Our Energy Industry Glossary: A useful list of important key words and their meanings that are associated with the Energy Procurement industry.
- Woodfuel
- Wind power
- Wind Farm
- Wave Power
- Voltage Transformer
- UK Emissions Trading Scheme
- Turbines
- TUoS (Transmission Use of System)
- Transmission
- Transformer
- Transco
- Trade Association
- Top-up Load
- Tidal Power
- Therm
- The Carbon Trust
- Terawatt-hour (TWh)
- System Sell Price (SSP)
- System Buy Price (SBP)
- Supply Agreement
- Substation
- Sub-Metering
- Standing Charge
- Spark Spread
- Solar Thermal
- Solar Power
- Solar Photovoltaic
- Small scale hydro power
- Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROC)
- Renewable Obligation
- Renewable LEC
- Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGO)
- Reinforcement
- Regulator
- Reactive Charges
- Power Factor
- Plant Mothballing
- Peak Demand
- Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (OFGEM)
- Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)
- NETA - New Electricity Trading Arrangements
- Net Capacity
- MPAN Core
- Meter Point Reference Number
- Meter Operator (MOP or MO)
- Megawatt (MW)
- Maximum Demand (MD)
- Marine Current Turbines
- Managed Load
- LV
- Load Management
- Load Factor
- Load
- Liquified Natural Gas (LNG)
- Large scale hydro power
- Kyoto Protocol
- Kilowatt-hour (kWh)
- Kilowatt (kW)
- Kilovolt Amperes (KVA)
- IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention Control)
- Interruptible Gas
- Interconnector
- Imbalance
- Hydro-electric power
- High Voltage (HV)
- Half-Hour Data (HHD)
- Grid Supply Point
- Green Fund
- Good Quality CHP
- Gigawatt-hour (GWh)
- Gigawatt (GW)
- Generation
- Gate Closure
- Gas Substation
- Futures Contract
- Fuel Labelling
- Fossil Fuel
- Forwards Contract
- Fixed Charge
- Firm Gas
- Feed-in-tariff
- Extra High Voltage:
- Exit Point:
- Excess Availability Charges
- EU Renewables Directive
- Emissions Trading
- Distribution Use of System Charges (DUoS)
- Distribution System
- Distribution Network Operator (DNO)
- Distribution Losses
- Distribution Generation
- Disconnection
- Demand Site Management
- Demand
- De-energisation
- Data Collector
- Data Aggregator
- Customer’s Installation
- Current Transformer
- Connection Agreement
- Communication Charge
- Combined Heat and Power Levy Exempt Certificate (CHP LEC)
- Combined Heat & Power (CHP)
- Co-firing
- Climate Change Programme
- Climate Change Levy (CCL)
- Climate Change Agreement
- Chargeable Capacity
- CCL Relief
- CCL Discount
- CCGT (Combined Cycle Gas Turbine)
- Carbon Trust
- Carbon Intensity
- Carbon Emissions Trading Scheme
- Capacitor
- Calorific Value
- Bilateral Energy Trading
- Base Load
- Availability Charge
- Authorised Supply Capacity (ASC)
- Apparent Power
- Annual Agreed Quantity (AAQ)
- Anaerobic digestion
- Amp
- Active Power